Game 2: Captain Jack's Legacy: Get Your Motor Running


Get your motor running in this online escape room that takes place at sea.

You finally surface after a great scuba diving adventure and board the dive boat, but where’s the Captain? You and your friends scan the horizon, but he’s nowhere to be seen, and the boat won’t start. There’s a storm coming up quickly. How will you start the engine? Will you get back to shore in time to beat the storm?

The story continues…

$15 per person.

Game time: Approximately 60 minutes.

Behind The Game


25:36 | Team Prospect

26:31 | Welcome to the Chungle

27:30 | The Turkeys

Other notable performances:

29:00 | Team Lee

33:13 | Shire Folk

36:07 | Local Lesbians

38:41 | Team Carmichael

44:07 | Enigmida


Game 3: Sneaking Backstage


Game 1: Captain Jack's Legacy: Trapped Under Water